Notwithstanding the current world situation, Hong Kong remains stable and secure. The likelihood of a terrorist attack occurring in Hong Kong is low. In the unlikely event that one did occur, the Government has in place the well-established Emergency Response System (ERS) to handle the situation. The ERS lays down the policy, principles and operation in response to emergencies in general, including those arising from natural disasters or terrorist attacks.
The chances of terrorists using Chemical, Biological, Radiological or Nuclear (CBRN) weapons against us is also extremely low. Nevertheless, Government has detailed contingency plans for possible CBRN attack. We have introduced new equipment, conducted large-scale exercises and departmental training so that our emergency services are prepared, resourced and capable of effectively, efficiently and safely dealing with such problems.
To advise you on what the Government has been doing to keep us safe, what everyone can do to help, what to do in an emergency and to give advice on essential first aid, Security Bureau has issued the following for general reference.
They are:
1. Hong Kong Safe Harbour - Protecting our city from possible terrorist threat
2. Aide-Mèmoire - Suspicious objects and bombs
3. How To Handle Postal Items Containing Suspicious Powder/Substance
5. Public Places or Transportation System Emergency Situations
If you want to have more information on Anthrax, please click HERE.
Please click below to have more information on the Standing Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Planning Group.

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