Each supervisee is assigned to a team of supervising officers comprising two officers from the Correctional Services Department and one Assistant Social Work Officer from the Social Welfare Department. Before discharge, the supervising officers interview the supervisees and assist them in making better preparation for return to the community as well as in formulating their discharge plans. Temporary hostel accommodation will be arranged for the supervisees before release if requested.
Personal relief materials like clothing and foodstuff will be provided as a temporary and urgent measure to supervisees who face great financial hardship after discharge. The supervising officers will visit the supervisees regularly at their home, workplace or any other places as mutually agreed to provide counselling and assistance to help the supervisees deal with any adjustment problems encountered. When making field visits, the supervising officers will strive to preserve the privacy of the supervisees and to avoid causing any embarrassment to them. The supervisees can also get in touch with the supervising officers through telephone for timely assistance.
In addition to job referrals, the supervising officers also refer the supervisees to attend training courses run by non-governmental organizations to enhance their employability. Arrangement of psychiatric and/or psychological follow-up treatment is provided where required.