Post-Release Supervision Board

Length and Conditions of Supervision Order

The Post-Release Supervision Board (the Board) considers each case on its own merits in determining the length of supervision. However, the supervision period shall be no longer than the remitted part of the prisoner's sentence according to section 7(1)(c) of the Post-Release Supervision of Prisoners Ordinance (the Ordinance). In accordance with section 24 of the Ordinance, the supervision period imposed on prisoners sentenced before the commencement date of the Ordinance, i.e. 30 November 1996, shall not exceed a period equal to half the period from the commencement date to the date of release, or six months, whichever is the greater. Depending on the circumstances of individual prisoners, the length of supervision normally ranges from a period of six months to two years, although where the Board considers it appropriate or necessary a shorter or longer period may be imposed. In general, a minimum supervision period of six months is needed to provide adequate time for the supervising officers to guide and assist supervisees to reintegrate effectively into society as law-abiding citizens.

The Board takes account of a prisoner's age and background, previous convictions, nature of the index offence, sense of remorse, behaviour in prison, family support, physical and mental condition and any other relevant factors before coming to a decision as to what is the best for the prisoner and the public interest. In addition, the Correctional Services Department distributes a booklet on the Post-Release Supervision of Prisoners Scheme (the Scheme) and the Board issues an information note on the factors to be considered in determining the length of supervision period to eligible prisoners well before their cases are considered to enhance their understanding of the Scheme.

A supervisee has to comply with the conditions set out in his supervision order, including the following conditions:
-You shall place yourself under the supervision of a supervising officer nominated for this purpose and any other officer replacing him from time to time.
-You shall meet with your supervising officer in accordance with that officer’s instructions.
-You shall inform your supervising officer at once of any changes in your home and office address or any employment particulars including dismissals.
-You shall be of good behaviour and keep the peace.
-You shall inform your supervising officer of the intention to leave Hong Kong for a specified period or of the intention to take up residence abroad.
-You shall reside at an address approved by your supervising officer.
-You shall undertake only such employment as approved by your supervising officer.
-Unless with reasonable excuse, you must meet with your supervising officer for the first time within 30 days after the date of your discharge and thereafter within 30 days after each meeting.
-You shall not, without reasonable excuse, fail to engage yourself in gainful employment in accordance with the instructions of your supervising officer.
-You shall not commit any offence against the laws of Hong Kong.
-You must not travel or attempt to travel outside Hong Kong except with the prior permission of your supervising officer.

Depending on individual circumstances, the Board may impose additional conditions, such as the requirement for receiving psychiatric and/or psychological follow-up treatment.