SGSIASecurity and Guarding Services Industry Authority

Security Company Licence

  1. Security Company Licence - Three types of security work

    Type I
    security work

    Type II
    security work

    Type III
    security work

    Provision of security guarding services

    Provision of armoured transportation services

    Installation, maintenance and/or repairing of a security device and/or designing (for any particular premises or place) a security system incorporating a security device

    To be in line with the spirit of business facilitation, the SGSIA has launched e-Licence since 1 July 2023.  The requirement for security company licensees to visit the Secretariat of SGSIA every year for updating the paper licence to record the payment of annual licence fee is waived,  and the licence form prescribed in Schedule 2 to the Security and Guarding Services (Licensing) Regulation (Cap. 460B) is suitably amended.

    Upon implementation of e-licensing, those paper licences that were already issued will remain valid until the expiry date or until SGSIA issues e-Licences to the licence holders (whichever is earlier).  There will be no change to the current regulatory regime for the issue of licence, arrangements for payment of annual licence fee, law enforcement and monitoring of security companies.

    Starting from 1 July 2023, all licences including new applications, renewal applications and replacement due to loss and damage, will be issued in an electronic format (i.e. Portable Document Format (PDF)) through email to eligible licence holder.  For the transitional arrangements of the issuance of security company licence, please click here

  2. Matters to which the Authority shall have regard when determining an application for a security company licence PDF File

  3. Security Company Licence Conditions PDF File

  4. How to apply for a Security Company LicencePDF File

  5. Information for inspection regarding application for Security Company Licence PDF

  6. Fees in respect of licences PDF File

  7. Application Forms


    Fillable PDF

    (For Hardcopy Submission)


    Application for a Security Company Licence (SGS 6) pdf file pdf file html file
    Application for Renewal of Security Company Licence (SGS 12) pdf file pdf file html file
    Request for an Extension of "the Material Date" pdf file pdf file html file
    Application for Variation of Conditions of Security Company Licence (SGS 10) pdf file pdf file html file

    * Information Materials pdf 档案 . For more details, please refer to the guidance notes on the application forms.  For e-submission of SCL, please refer to guidance notes here PDF

  8. Sample Notification Letters for Change of Company Particulars


    Change of Authorized Person PDF pdf file / DOC WORD格式
    Change of Company Name PDF pdf file / DOC WORD格式
    Change of Company Address PDF pdf file / DOC WORD格式

  9. List of licensed security companies in Hong Kong

  10. Preparation for Licence Inspection of Security Company
  11. Course Profile of the Training for Central Alarm Monitoring Station (CAMS) Operators PDF File

  12. Course Profile of the Initial Basic Training for Vehicle Crew PDF File

  13. Course Profile of the Training Course for Vehicle Crew Commanders PDF File

  14. Frequently Asked Question

For enquiries, please call us at 2801 6181, fax to us at 2537 5118 or visit our office at Room 813, 8/F, Kowloon East Government Offices, 12 Lei Yue Mun Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon.

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