OTA currently in force :

Supplementary Information
Residents who intend to visit the country should adjust their travel plans and avoid non-essential travel such as leisure travel. Those already there should monitor the situation, attend to personal safety and avoid protests and large gatherings of people. Residents should also avoid all travel to Gaza and nearby areas as well as areas along the border with Syria and Lebanon due to the volatile security situation. Residents in Israel who need assistance may call the 24-hour hotline of the Assistance to Hong Kong Residents Unit of the Immigration Department at (852) 1868, call the 1868 hotline using network data or use the 1868 Chatbot via the Immigration Department Mobile Application, send message to the 1868 WhatsApp assistance hotline, send message to the 1868 WeChat assistance hotline or submit the Online Assistance Request Form, or contact the Chinese Embassy in Israel at consular protection hotline: (972) 3-5459520.
Assistance to Hong Kong Residents Unit – Online Assistance Request Form
- In early October 2023, many places in Israel were attacked by rockets and militants. Subsequently, the conflict between Israel and Palestinian armed groups in the Gaza Strip continued to escalate. The Israeli government has declared a "state of war".
- On 2 May 2023, there were rocket attacks on the southern Israel, resulting in injuries.
- On 7 April 2023, violent attacks occurred in Tel Aviv and the West Bank, resulting in casualties.
- On 23 November 2022, bomb explosions occurred in Jerusalem, resulting in casualties.
- In early August 2022, conflicts following the heightened tensions between Israel and Gaza resulted in casualties.
- In mid-July 2018, intense conflicts between Israel and Gaza resulted in casualties.
- In May 2018, violent clashes in Gaza intensified, resulting in serious casualties.
- On 8 January 2017, a truck attack occurred in Jerusalem, resulting in casualties.
- On 8 June 2016, gunshot attack occurred in an open-air complex in Tel Aviv, resulting in casualties.
- On 18 April 2016, a bomb explosion occurred on a bus in south Jerusalem, resulting in injuries.
- In early March 2016, violent attacks occurred in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, resulting in casualties.
- Since early October 2015, ongoing violent attacks and clashes occurred in Jerusalem, resulting in casualties. The Israeli authorities ordered parts of east Jerusalem to be sealed off. Violent clashes also occurred in West Bank, Gaza and the southern city of Beersheva, where the authorities had imposed tighter security measures. Violent attacks and clashes continued in November 2015, resulting in casualties.
- In late January 2015, a stabbing incident occurred on a bus in Tel Aviv, resulting in injuries.
- On 18 November 2014, a violent attack occurred in a synagogue in West Jerusalem, resulting in casualties.
- In mid November 2014, stabbing incidents occurred in Tel Aviv and the West Bank, resulting in casualties.
- In early November 2014, clashes occurred in the vicinity of Temple Mount in Jerusalem, resulting in injuries.
- Current OTA issued on : 08 October 2023, 22:00
Registration for Outbound Travel Information (ROTI)
Before departing Hong Kong, residents may register via ROTI their travel itineraries and contact details to receive updates on OTA and related information. The Immigration Department may contact and assist the registrants in an emergency.