Radiation Monitoring and Assessment
Even when there is no emergency nuclear situation, various government departments have been carrying out radiation monitoring and assessment work routinely, including the measurement of ambient gamma radiation level as well as radioactivity in air, food and other environmental samples, to safeguard the health of Hong Kong people. Routine radiation monitoring and assessment work to keep track of radiation levels in Hong Kong includes but not limited to :
Atmospheric and ambient radiation monitoring network run by the Hong Kong Observatory (HKO)
HKO real-time ambient gamma radiation levels in Hong Kong is available here
A radiation monitoring network consisting of 12 fixed radiation monitoring stations has been set up by HKO to monitor the ambient gamma dose rate in Hong Kong. An alarm at the Observatory Headquarters will sound when the radiation level at any one station exceeds pre-set criteria. The station closest to Daya Bay is located at Tung Ping Chau in Mirs Bay about 12 km to the southwest of the nuclear power stations. |
On-line Water Contamination Monitoring Systems operated by the Water Supplies Department (WSD)
Two identical On-line Water Contamination Monitoring Systems are operating at Muk Wu Pumping Station near Man Kam To monitor round the clock the radioactivity levels of raw water imported from Guangdong. All monitoring results are transmitted to HKO and WSD in real-time. WSD will regularly collect water samples from the supply system to monitor the level of radioactivity in water. |
Livestock Contamination Monitoring System run by the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD)
Three Livestock Contamination Monitoring Systems have been installed for use by FEHD at Man Kam To Boundary Control Point, Lok Ma Chau Boundary Control Point and Sheung Shui Slaughterhouse respectively for screening radiation levels of livestock (cattle, pig and goat). |
Food Radiation monitoring run by FEHD at points of entry
Contamination Monitoring Systems (CMS) are operated by FEHD and the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) at boundary control points, slaughterhouses, wholesale and retail markets for radiation measurement of foodstuff samples. CMSs are also operated by WSD at water treatment works for radiation measurement of drinking water samples collected at reservoirs, inlets and outlets of water treatment works, water catchment areas and consumer taps. |
Environmental Radiation Monitoring Programme operated by HKO
HKO is the main government department keeping track of the long-term changes in ambient radiation level in Hong Kong by using different advanced instruments. The programme will cover the collection and analysis of air, rain water, drinking water, sea water, underground water, land soil, seabed sediment and inter-tidal sediment and food (meat, sea food, vegetables, fruits, rice, milk, etc).