Radiation Monitoring and Assessment

Even when there is no emergency nuclear situation, various government departments have been carrying out radiation monitoring and assessment work routinely, including the measurement of ambient gamma radiation level as well as radioactivity in air, food and other environmental samples, to safeguard the health of Hong Kong people. Routine radiation monitoring and assessment work to keep track of radiation levels in Hong Kong includes but not limited to :

Atmospheric and ambient radiation monitoring network run by the Hong Kong Observatory (HKO)


HKO real-time ambient gamma radiation levels in Hong Kong is available here

On-line Water Contamination Monitoring Systems operated by the Water Supplies Department (WSD)


Livestock Contamination Monitoring System run by the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD)


Food Radiation monitoring run by FEHD at points of entry


Environmental Radiation Monitoring Programme operated by HKO


HKO is the main government department keeping track of the long-term changes in ambient radiation level in Hong Kong by using different advanced instruments. The programme will cover the collection and analysis of  air, rain water, drinking water, sea water, underground water, land soil, seabed sediment and inter-tidal sediment and food (meat, sea food, vegetables, fruits, rice, milk, etc).